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Dr Anita Krishnan
Balloon Sinuplasty

A non-invasive treatment method to get rid of sinus-related problems completely.

Dr. Anita Krishnan

Dr. Anita Krishnan is an ENT specialist practicing at Bangalore ENT Care Centre, Koramangala

Relief from Sinusitis

Use Balloon Sinuplasty to get be relieved of all your Sinus-related problems

Sinusitis Overview

Sinusitis - a condition where one or more of the membrane linings in the sinus cavities become inflamed or infected.

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Balloon Sinuplasty

Balloon sinuplasty is an advanced breakthrough among surgical techniques to cure sinusitis

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Contact Us

Contact Dr. Anita Krishnan to learn more about the Balloon Sinuplasty treatment and how to get relief from sinusitis

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Where to find us
  • Balloon Sinuplasty

Bangalore ENT Care Centre,
766, 8th main, Koramangala 3rd block
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560034

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